Sunday, June 16, 2013

Acrylic Quality recipes - Steps to make Natural Items Using 5 Essential Oils Or Less

Enjoy using Essential Oils and making your own recipes that give you products that are quick and simple to make.

Using only 5 Essential Oils - keep the cost down but not make inferior products for your use. I never compromised on effectiveness in these recipes if it wouldn't work with the five its not listed.

Costing you less - by reducing the number of Oils and combining them with common household ingredients you spend less, waste less and are able to make more as you want it.

Simple recipes - by keeping the recipes simple to do and easy to follow you can save yourself time along with money.

It was amazing how simple but still effective these products were and how easy they are to make and store or make up quickly when you need them. They are great for you, your family, and for inexpensive gifts that look (and smell) a million dollars.

If you love natural chemical free products then this article is for you. If you love to also save money, then this article is definitely for you.

If you love making your own products, you will love the simple step by step recipes.

Even if you have never blended a product before this article is design to give you the easy instruction and all the information you need to make you own products.

There is several great recipes in each of these sections

• Household cleaning
• First aid and Common Ailments
• Relaxation and Stress Relief
• Skin Care
• Hair Care
• Gift Ideas

When we first decided to create recipes with a smaller number of oils we tested three, four, five and six Essential Oil blends and found that five oils give you the most versatility and best value for money.

When selecting our Essential Oils we tested and tested them until we found the best for -

• Value for Money - why use an expensive oil if a less expensive will work just as well
• Essential Oil versatility - what oils have many benefits and usages
• Essential Oil properties - what oils have a larger range or properties and work the best with our bodies and environment
• Simplicity - more common known oils
• Practicality - easy to find oils so you don't have to search for them


Here is a quick summary of the Five Essential Oils used to create this complete article

1. Lavender
2. Geranium
3. Lemon
4. Chamomile
5. Tea Tree

Lavender Essential Oil - The most popular Essential Oil is Lavender; if you were only ever going to buy one Essential Oil then Lavender would be the one. It is used in all sections of The Essential 5. This amazing oil is one of the most useful of all essential oils. Lavenders properties include antiseptic, relaxant, antitoxic, for burns, sedative, tonic, deodorant to name a few, and blends well with most other oils. It is bridging oil for perfumes and is a very common known aroma.

Geranium Essential Oil - Geranium has a strong herbaceous aroma with similar notes to rose. This great all round Essential oil has therapeutic properties as an astringent, antiseptic, anti-depressant, tonic, antibiotic, and as an anti-infectious agent. Aid against travel sickness, assists with irritations associated with dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.

Lemon Essential Oil - Well known for its clean refreshing aroma it has high anti-bacterial properties. On skin and hair it can be used for its cleansing effect, as well as for its Antiseptic properties, and being refreshing and cooling. Lemon may assist with the ability to concentrate. The strong clean smell is commonly associated with cleanliness.

Chamomile Essential Oil - It is useful in the treatment of aches and pains in muscles and joints. Treatment of symptoms of PMS with Chamomile is also beneficial especially when the symptoms are related to stress. It has long tradition in herbal medicine and the flowers were used in many cures including an herbal tea During World War Two. The strong aroma of chamomile is fruity and herbaceous and ideal for children and those with sensitive skins.

Tea Tree Essential Oil - Most of us have use or own this oil at one stage. It is use in two sections and is best known as a very powerful immune stimulant. It can help to fight off infectious. Used as part of an inhalation it can help with colds, measles, sinusitis & viral infections. For skin & hair, Tea Tree has been used to combat acne, oily skin, head lice & dandruff.


The main benefit of using Essential Oils when making your own products are that a little goes a long way.

Usually you can buy your Oils in 17ml, 15 ml, 12ml or 6 ml bottles and for every 1 milliliter you get 20 drops that means for your 15 ml you get 300 drops and your 12 ml bottle you get 240 drops.

With different Products ranging from only 10 drops or more you can see now a little goes along way.

This is why they are a cost effective way to create your own blends. By simply changing the quantities and the mix of oils and the base products you are able to make many products with only a few oils.

I love that I can make up some products that I use all the time and then I can just make up enough of a product if I want it for a single use, for example when my son had warts I made up a half bottle and applied as per instruction for the two weeks and I have not needed to use it again.

Whereas I always have Air Freshener and All purpose Cleanser available as well as Antiseptic Cream and Bath Bombs, (ideal to throw in the bath with cranky kids).


Add to this some great base products and your away. Using base products combined with Essential Oils for household cleaning and gifts has been used for centuries with records showing uses as far back as ancient Roman Times and in Egypt, Greece and India.

Base products range from everyday common products - Bicarb (bicarbonate soda), Soaps, Salt, Vinegar, Vitamin V creams, Aloe Vera, Eggs along with many other commonly used ingredients.

By understanding that Base Oils and Products have their own properties (attribute, characteristic or ability) allows you to expand the range of recipes and products you may create, by combining of Essential Oil and base product properties.


Some people enjoy cleaning, some people love cleaning, some tolerate it and some do it because 'it has to be done', I'm somewhere between tolerate and 'has to be done', definitely not in the love area. Put on some music; grab the kids, grab my great products and I get it done.

I want products that work; I don't want to have to repeat it. So if I can have effective products that are natural, chemical free, and smell divine, then that's a bonus.

• Air freshener - room deodorizer, ironing aid, curtain freshener
• All Purpose Cleanser - any room in the house the needs an abrasive cleaner; ovens, showers, fridges, air conditioners, bathrooms, benches, cups, drawers, microwaves
• Baking Soda Shaker - general all round all purpose abrasive, stainless steel, shoes - odor
• Vinegar Spray - antibacterial surface cleaner, polishes car chrome, Spray car windows to keep them frost free, clean eye glasses, must have for jellyfish and blue bottle stings, removes fruit stains from hands, removes onion smell from hands


250 ml Spray bottle

15 drops Essential Oils as below (blend suggestions)

250 ml Boiled (cooled) Water

To freshen and deodorize your house, don't mask the bad smells; eliminate them. Any of the below blends are great of create your own air freshener, using the blend to suit your needs.

MIX 1 - 10 drops of Essential Oils into bottle of water and shake well. Shake before each use.

Blend suggestions:

Welcoming - welcome people into your home, invokes memories of peace in most people.

Lavender - 15 drops

All purpose - a blend suitable for every room; freshens the air and contains bacterial properties.

Lavender - 8 drops, Lemon 4 drops, Geranium 3 drops

Bloom - Ideal for kitchen and eliminating cooking odor.

Lavender 6 drops, Lemon 5 drops, Tea Tree 4 drops

Smell Ease - remove the unpleasant odor associated with bathrooms and laundries

Lemon 10 drops, Chamomile 3 drops, Lavender 2 drops

Other Uses -

• Ironing Aid - spray directly onto clothes and iron
• Room deodorizer - eliminating stale and unpleasant smells
• Curtain freshener - spray directly onto curtains and allow the warm of the sun to intensify the beautiful natural Essential Oil aromas.


Large Salt Shaker


Large salt shaker or talc powder bottle or container (jar) with holes pierced into lid may be used. If Bicarb is needed as an abrasive, it can be used alone, with Surface Spray or All Purpose Cleaner for added removal of built up grime. Easier and more practical than having in a box and pouring it out, you seem to use less as the powder is evenly distributed.

Other Uses -

• Kids - will love using this - shake onto surface, spray with vinegar and watch it fizz let the kids wipe the bench and love the fizzing feeling on their fingers - cleaning done with fun!
• Stainless Steel - cleans and removes minor rust stains
• Odor eliminator - shoes, carpets and pet areas


250 ml sauce (squirt) bottle

140 ml Boiled (warm) Water

60 ml Vinegar

50 ml soap or washing liquid

2 tablespoons Bicarb

10 drops Lemon Essential Oil

5 drops Lavender Essential Oil

5 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil

A wonderful All Purpose Cleanser that can be used throughout the household. Heavier than a surface spray with a gentle abrasive quality and soap for removal of grease build up. This Cleaner is antibacterial, disinfectant, and cleansing.

MIX: - Mix this mixture in a glass bowl or jug, cool and pour into bottle.

Pour in 1/2 of warm water add Bicarb, stir until dissolved,

Add to this mixture 1/2 vinegar (1/2 vinegar quantity, allow mixture to rinse and lower, add rest of Vinegar) and add liquid soap stir until blended. Add Essential Oils and pour in remaining warm water. Stir well, allow cooling before use.

Other Uses -

• Benches - Cleaning any surfaces with gentle abrasive cleaner
• Fridges - for fresh odor and sparkling clean look
• Showers and bathrooms - helps eliminate build up
• Air conditioners Cups - great for removing coffee stains
• Drawers - removes grime and marks
• Microwaves - cleans inside and out


250 ml Spray bottle

250 ml vinegar

A pure blend of vinegar can be used by itself or part of a cleaning system. This spray is ideal for cleaning mirrors, glass and windows, and for use with Bicarb for cleaning.

Other Uses -

• Polishes car chrome
• Spray car windows to keep them frost free
• clean eye glasses
• must have for jellyfish, blue bottle stings
• removes fruit stains from hands
• removes onion smell from hands


Creating a First Aid Kit and treating Common Ailments is a great way to see the benefits of using Essential Oils.

Essential Oils bring their therapeutic benefits to the body as they are absorbed into the blood stream via the skin or lungs. The aromatic fragrances can have a pleasing and powerful effect on our general wellbeing. As the Essential Oils enter the bloodstream they take their healing powers to the part of the body that is in most need.

With First Aid and Common Ailments you will find over a period of time you will make up more products that you use regularly and this will bring even more benefits to you and your family.


50 ml dark colored glass jar

43 ml Base Cream

20 drops (1 ml) Lavender Essential Oil

15 drops Geranium Essential Oil

15 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil

Use of this antiseptic blend assists in the healing of cuts and wounds. Use directly onto injury and cover with bandage or band-aid for quicker healing.

MIX: Into glass jar spoon in Base Cream fill 2/3 of jar add in essential oils, mix with spoon, fill jar and remix.

BURN GEL, mild

50 ml glass jar

43 ml Aloe Vera Gel

40 (2 ml) drops Lavender Essential Oil

10 drops Chamomile Essential Oil

IMMEDIATELY apply cold water to area, run water over area for approx 10 minutes.

For small areas a few drops of Lavender (neat) straight from the bottle, onto area followed by ice pack is ideal.

For large areas apply blend above (I have this made up in fridge always) as it is even better if Aloe Vera Gel blend is cold. Apply clean gauze bandage and cover with ice pack. ALWAYS SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE IF SEVERE BURN.

MIX: Into glass jar spoon in Aloe Vera Gel fill 2/3 of jar add in essential oils, mix with spoon, fill jar and remix.


10 ml dark colored glass jar or container

10ml Aloe Vera Gel

6 drops Geranium Essential Oil

4 drops Chamomile Essential Oil

Apply regularly to lips to keep them moist and smooth.

MIX: Into glass jar spoon in Aloe Vera Gel fill 2/3 of jar add in essential oils, mix with spoon, fill jar and remix.


10 ml glass jar

10 ml Aloe Vera Gel

4 drops Geranium Essential Oil

3 drops Tea Tree Essential Oils

2 drops Chamomile Essential Oils

1 drop Lavender Essential Oils

This blend can assist in the reduction of the severity of cold sores. Apply when the tingling feeling starts, (if possible to help prevent cold sore from forming), or apply directly onto sore to help keep moist and encourage healing of inflammation.

MIX: Into glass jar spoon in Aloe Vera Gel fill 2/3 of jar add in essential oils, mix with spoon, fill jar and remix


10 ml glass bottle

10 ml base oil

10 drops Essential Oils as below

MIX: Lavender 10 drops

Assist in the relief of headaches. Inhale directly from the bottle, especially before leaving the bed in the morning. Massage onto pulse points, wrist, temples, and base of neck and across forehead. Drop 5-10 drops in bath or shower, may be used in oil burner.

MIX: Pour base oil to glass bottle, add Essential Oils and shake well.


Time to relax you've got to be joking. I have heard this time and time again and I know hard it is to fit it in. By making my own relaxation products I could adjust them to what I wanted, and vary them to suit my moods. For example I would you different oils for relaxing, for sleep, for stress or mediation.


5 drops Lavender, 3 drops Chamomile, 2 drops Geranium


4 drops Geranium, 2 drops Chamomile, 2 drops Lavender, 2 drop Lemon


7 drops Chamomile, 3 drops Lavender


15 ml glass bottle

15 ml Essential Oils (your blend)

Creating a blend of Essential Oils gives you a synergy of the oils. That means the combined benefit of the oils is higher than its individual oils. Remember your 100% Essential Oil blend is not for use on your body it must be a diluted blend for body usage. 100% Essential 100% Oil blends are ideal for oil burners, foot spas, baths, inhalations, humidifiers, diffusers and mediation.

MIX Add the total drops of each Essential Oil into the bottle as shake gently to blend.


15 ml glass bottle

30 drops (1.5 ml) Essential Oils (your blend)

13.5 ml base oil

Creating a blend of Essential Oils gives you a synergy of the oils. Blending it down with base oil allows you the versatility to use for body applications. 10% Essential Oil Blends are ideal for pulse point or quick relief, compresses, candles, direct application, showers and inhalations.


200 grams Epson salts

20 drops Essential Oil (your blend)

1 tablespoon Bicarb

1 teaspoon Food coloring or herbs or flower petals for coloring

Combine the properties of these truly amazing natural products to create a simple and effective bath product. Add your Essential Oils depending on your mood and desires and lets your troubles float away.

MIX: To the Epson salts stir in Bicarb and coloring product (if required) and mix well then add Essential Oil blend and mix again.


100 ml glass bottle

100 drops (5 ml) Essential Oils (your blend)

95 ml base oils


The recipe gives you great oil; use this if you prefer to use body oil, instead of a moisturizer cream. Body is great to give skin supple appearance and ideal for dry skin or sin in harsh climates where even the loveliest of skin has a tendency to dry up. Apply all over body, for added directly after bath with skin is still damp and gently pat dry.

one of the benefits of making your own skin care products is definitely price, but where you will really see the benefits is in the condition of your skin.

When I started making my own products I notice my skin loved the benefits of the Essential Oils and the high quality base products and it look so much better.

What I found was that I didn't react to anything in the blends as there were no chemicals to irritate my skin. If a blend seems to strong on my skin I just added more Base product to reduce the strength of it, this make the blend lighter. I found this ideal for teenagers, when they first started using their own products as they usually have a tendency to be heavy handed with products and their skin is extra sensitive (hormonal). I found it was an ideal solution and over time if they felt the product wasn't doing its job (i.e. not a clean feeling) I then increase it back up to the original blend ratios.

Normal Skin- Normal Skin usually has a flat appearance, with a healthy glow. It is supple and smooth and free if blemish (may get an occasional one).

Combination Skin - The most common skin type is combination skin, which usually has drier cheeks and the area from the chin up to the forehead and then across the forehead is oily (your t-zone

Acne - Acne skin needs to be treated with an antibacterial cream for the acne and a moisturizer than evens out the skin, helping to reduce the blemishes. Always seek medical assistance with severe acne as many times it's an internal imbalance that needs to be corrected to assist with the external healing of the skin.

Sensitive Skin - Sensitive skin can be any of the different skin types, when making products for sensitive skin HALF the essential oils use in the recipe.

Use the correct Essential Oils for different skin types

Normal Skin - Lavender, Geranium, Lemon and Chamomile

Oily - Lavender, Tea Tree, Chamomile and Geranium

Combination - Lavender, Lemon, Geranium and Chamomile

Acne - Lavender, Geranium, Tea Tree and Lemon


100 ml glass bottle

100 drops (5 ml) Essential Oil

95 ml Liquid Soap Mix

Suggested Blends

Normal, Oily, Acne Skin Types

60 drops (3 ml) Lavender, 40 drops (2 ml) Lemon Essential Oils

Dry and Combination Skin Types

60 drops (3 ml) Lavender, 40 drops (2 ml) Geranium Essential Oils

Massage onto face, neck and decollete and wash off with warm water and cloth (or cotton wipes). You will need to wipe 2-3 times, to remove all oil and grime from skin. Rinse again, tone, pat dry and moisturize.

MIX: Pour in Liquid Soap Mix into bottle, add to this your Essential Oils and shake well. For babies and children up to 2 years, half the quantity of essential oils.


100ml glass bottle

40 drops (2 ml) Lavender Essential Oil

5 ml Vinegar

93 ml water

Apply to cotton ball and gently wipe of face

MIX: Add water and Vinegar to bottle and then add Essential Oil, mix thoroughly. Shake well before each use as no dispersant is used (ingredient found in commercial products to keep products from separating)


RATIO: 100 drops (5 ml) Essential Oils: 95 ml Base Cream

100 ml glass jar

100 drops (5 ml) Essential Oil blend (as below)

95 ml Base Cream

Blend Suggestions

dr = drop

Normal Skin

30 dr Lavender, 30 dr Geranium, 20 dr Lemon, 20 dr Chamomile

Oily Skin

40 dr Geranium, 25 dr Lavender, 25 dr Tea Tree, 10 dr Chamomile

Dry Skin

35 dr Lemon, 35 dr Lavender, 20 dr Geranium, 15 dr Chamomile

Combination Skin

30 dr Lavender, 30 dr Lemon, 20 dr Chamomile, 20 dr Tea Tree

Acne Skin

35 drop Tea Tree, 25 dr Lavender, 20 dr Geranium, 20 dr Lemon

After cleansing and toning you will need to add moisture back to your skin (even oily) Use this blend daily before apply makeup or as part of the morning / evening skincare ritual.

MIX: Into glass jar spoon in Base Cream fill 2/3 of jar add in essential oils, mix with spoon, fill jar and remix


Your "crowning glory" is an important part of your appearance and your confidence. If your hair is oily, messy or lifeless it doesn't matter how well you dress your appearance lacks the finesse of the 'together' look. Why do you think there is the term 'bad hair day'.

I found I could change this with the right products, and lots of expense, but I decided to find natural alternatives that didn't break the bank and help my hair without filling it full of chemicals.

Your hair is usually categorized allowing for correct products to be used. Hair can be Normal, Oily, Dry, Damaged and Dandruff. You can tell your hair type by having a look at it in good light and noticing several different aspects.

Normal Hair - shiny and gloss with little or no frizz

Oily Hair - tends to have a buildup of grease, looks dull and lifeless

Dry Hair - usually frizzy and brittle, looks dry and messy

Damaged Hair - any of the above combined with easy breakage and lack of elasticity

Dandruff - flakes found on scalp and may fall onto clothing

Use the correct Essential Oils for different skin types

Normal - Lavender, Chamomile, Lemon, Geranium

Oily - Lavender,Chamomile, Geranium, Tea Tree

Dry - Lavender, Geranium, Chamomile, Lemon

Damaged - Lavender, Chamomile, Geranium, Tea Tree

Dandruff- Lavender, Chamomile, Lemon, Tea Tree


200ml bottle

200 ml Liquid Soap Mix (see soap for recipe)

30 drops Essential Oils as below

Blend Suggestions

dr = drops

Everyday Use for Normal Hair

10 dr Lavender, 8 dr Chamomile, 6 dr Lemon, 6 dr Geranium

Oily Hair

10 dr Geranium, 8 dr Chamomile, 6 dr Lavender, 6 dr Tea Tree

Dry Hair

10 drops Chamomile, 8 drops Lemon, 6 dr Geranium, 6 dr Lavender


10 dr Chamomile, 10 dr Geranium, 5 dr Tea Tree, 5 dr Lavender


10 dr Tea Tree, 8 dr Chamomile, 6 dr Lavender, 6 dr Lemon

This recipe gives you a base for all your Shampoo blends. For babies and children up to 2 years, half the quantity of essential oils.

If you don't wish to make your own shampoo base buy a natural baby shampoo with no added aromas. You will not get as much foam when you wash with this shampoo as there is no foaming agent added, so don't be worried you hair is getting clean just the same.

MIX: Pour in Liquid Soap Mix into bottle; add to this your Essential Oils and shake well.


200 ml bottle

47 ml base oil

1 cup Boiled (hot) Water

20 drops (1 ml) Chamomile Essential Oils

Massage into hair, leave on for two - three minutes and rinse off.

This recipe gives you a base for all your conditioner blends. If you don't wish to make your own conditioner base buy a natural gentle conditioner (baby conditioner) with no added aromas.

MIX: To hot water add Essential Oil and then add base oil mix together (shake well) thoroughly. The ingredients in this mix may separate, as no dispersant was used (chemical use to keep blends from separating in store bought products), before use shake well to remix ingredients.


RATIO: 20 drops essential oil: 100 ml base oil

100 ml bottle

10 drops Lemon

99 ml base oil

Pour approx a tablespoon (2 tablespoons for long hair) into small bowl and heat in microwave or double boiler method until warm (not boiling) pour into palm and massage through hair add another tablespoon if required to give a nice coverage over hair.

Wrap hair in plastic wrap (or plastic bag, or shower cap) and then wrap around a towel, this will keep the heat in giving extra benefit to your treatment.

Allow to remain on hair for 20 - 30 minutes. Rinse out and style as usual (if you find you hair is still to oily you may shampoo and condition your hair).

MIX: To give your hair a lovely revitalizing treatment, blend the base oil with the Essential Oils and shake thoroughly.


Do you love giving gifts, do you love giving high quality gifts that you know they will love?

I love giving gifts and usually try to get something that my friends and family will use and appreciate; sometimes this is hard especially if they are the sort of person who really has everything they need.

I have found over the years that people receive handmade gifts exceptionally well and I think this is because in this day and age where you can buy just about anything you want and people are having more and more 'stuff' a beautiful handmade gift that they can see you can taken time and effort to make means they are appreciated.

Another benefit of making gifts from Essential Oils is even though they are handmade they can look and will feel expensive and high quality. I remember giving some bath salts once and the person being quite happy about it, but a couple of days later I get a phone call saying how wonderful the Bath Salts where to use compared to other products she had used in the past and could she have more (I gave her the recipe).

For that added touch always present your gifts elegantly in boxes and package that looks a million.


160 grams Bicarb

40 gram of Citric Acid

20 drops Essential Oil (your blend)

1 tablespoon base oil

1 teaspoon Food coloring or herbs or flower petals for coloring

Combining the natural fizz of Bicarb, that invigorates your mind and body with the wonderful properties of pure Essential Oils to create bath bombs that help the body and mind and are fun for the whole family.

MIX: Combine all dried ingredients in a bowl add Essential Oils 5 drops at a time and mix extremely well and then add base oil. If required add more base oil, your mixture should hold together into a basic shape. Press mixture into mould and allow to set (2 -3 hours). Press out and store in air tight container.


Baths, Foot Baths

BATH OIL - Dissolving

200 ml bottle

100 ml (5ml) Essential Oils (your blend)

30 ml base oil

160 ml vodka

Love oil and baths and the way it gives moisture to your skin and relaxes you but don't like the oil ring after, how about bath oil without the oil ring.

This blend will nearly dissolves completely in the bath water. A little goes a long way so don't go overboard. Add to your bath, and enjoy the aromas for relaxations and stress relief.

MIX: Mix together the Essential Oils and vodka, stirring the mixture slowly to disperse all the Essential Oil droplets. Allow the mixture to stand for 2-3 days (in a cool dark place) and then add water. Allow the mixture for another 2-3 days (in a cool dark place) then you may use it (you can make it in all one go, but for a better product this time line is important).


200 grams Epson salts

20 drops Essential Oil (your blend)

1 tablespoon Bicarb

Place is clear jar with ribbon and label will delight your friends.

1 teaspoon Food coloring or herbs or flower petals for coloring

Combine the properties of these truly amazing natural products to create a simple and effective bath product.

MIX: To the Epson salts stir in Bicarb and coloring product (if required) and mix well then add Essential Oil blend and mix again.


As you can see the world of Aromatherapy and using Essential Oils is amazing and diverse. I love that you can create your own Products so simply and that you can adjust them to your individual likes and dislikes.

Using Essential Oil and making Natural Products for you, your family and friend is a great way to save money and benefit for the therapeutic properties at the same time.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Help Make Your Own Body Art

You will find merely a choose couple of who're gifted enough to produce a style of sufficient quality to consider towards the tattooist. Should you are among the choose couple of, drawing your personal tattoo should pose no problems. For that not too creatively inclined there's no more any need to get a pencil and begin drawing, there's now a much simpler option.

The days are gone of reading body art books, and browsing the tattoo parlor walls wishing to obtain the perfect tattoo. Age the web has introduced us 1000's of online tattoo art galleries, and you will find countless designs offered at your tips of the fingers. With all of these designs to select from, selecting a the perception of your tattoo is becoming even more complicated. A tattoo is an extremely personal factor and individuals are continually trying to find something unique, so making your personal body art is definitely an option that's becoming a lot more popular.

Online body art art galleries have realized the requirement for unique body art along with a choose couple of are integrating body art software to their art galleries. If you wish to help make your own tattoo, this type of software can mix numerous tattoo designs to produce something can truly call your personal. Every type of design and shape could be combined, circular designs could be coupled with variations of tribal band, Chinese figures and symbols could be adorned with stars or flowers, just about anything that you could imagine can be done. When you're pleased with your design you are able to print them back and go for your tattooist.

Why Tats Are Permanent and don't Naturally Fade

A known fact about permanent tattoos is that tattoos fade naturally with age, as people age. This would mean natural tattoo removal occurs to permanent tattoos, but for some reason it does not. And the reason tattoo removal does do not happen naturally in our lifetime has to do with the depth of tattoo ink.

Another truth, many tattoo removal methods speed up the natural process of skin cell renewal (the continual cycle where older skin cells shed off, and are replaced with newer skin cells that too will then shed off and be replaced) to breakdown tattoo ink into small particles that are carried away during the cell renewal cycle.

The skin is made of two main sections called the epidermis and the dermis. Think of the letter D for dermis as down or deepest and the letter P in epidermis as being up or upper section.

The skin's upper epidermis is a much thinner section of skin in comparison to the deeper dermis section. The epidermis is the section of the skin where the skin cell renewal and removal cycle occurs.

Tattoo ink of professional tattoo artists is intentionally tattooed between the epidermis and dermis, surrounded by the skin's tough cellular matrix where skin cells renewal occurs at a much slower rate. The tough cellular matrix that surrounds tattoo ink molecules is resilient against breakdown explaining why tattoos remain in place within the skin for a lifetime.

Amateur tattoos on the other hand, do not use the same professional techniques to force ink pigment deep into the skin, creating tattoos with ink pigments that partially exist in the upper epidermis section of skin, and is more likely to breakdown as a result of cell renewal.

This is the reason remain permanent in the skin during a natural lifetime tattoos are permanent, and removing unwanted tattoos requires using a method of tattoo removal.

Friday, June 14, 2013

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Click here for information IBOD Airbrush Tanning System Battery Operated by Viatek IBOD Airbrush Tanning System (with Lotion) full review

IBOD Airbrush Tanning System Battery Operated by Viatek IBOD Airbrush Tanning System (with Lotion)

The Ibod Airbrush Tan Bronzing is simple, and provides a streakfree gorgeous airbrush tan everytime!Get a perfect airbrush tan in the comfort of your own home with the I-Bod AirbrushTanning System with Even Airbrush Tan Guidance Light. It's the easiest way to apply sunless tanning solutions to your body. The I-Bod airbrush tanner sprays out a fine mist that dries completely in 5-10 minutes. Results of the airbrush tanning system will take 8 hours to appear. The Even Airbrush Tan Guide Light makes it easier to get a streak free tan.The Ibod Airbrush Tan Bronzing Features:Get an even tan every time, all year round, with I-Bod Airbrush tanner! I-Bod Airbrush Tan lasts 7 - 10 days I-Bod Airbrush Liquid Solution lasts 6 - 8 months (about 32 applications) No tan lines No sun burns No harmful U. V. Rays I-Bod Airbrush Tan Unit is Rechargeable I-Bod Tan develops in 4-5 hoursThe Ibod Airbrush Tan Bronzing Kit includes:I-Bod 4 oz bottle of Rapid DHA Tanning solutionTanning Sprayer


  • Brand Name: Viatek Mfg#: AT03G
  • Shipping Weight: 2.72 lbs
  • Please refer to SKU# ADX15485255 when you inquire.
  • This product may be prohibited inbound shipment to your destination.
  • Picture may wrongfully represent. Please read title and description thoroughly.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Belloccio's Complete Professional Airbrush Cosmetic Makeup System with a TAN Shade Airbrush Makeup Foundation Set (5-ea.1/2 Oz Bottles)+3 Free Blushes & Highlighters from Belloccio

Belloccio's Complete Professional Airbrush Cosmetic Makeup System with a TAN Shade Airbrush Makeup Foundation Set (5-ea.1/2 Oz Bottles)+3 Free Blushes & Highlighters

Now have Entirely Reengineered the Belloccio's Complete Professional Airbrush Cosmetic Makeup System with a TAN Shade Airbrush Makeup Foundation Set (5-ea.1/2 Oz Bottles)+3 Free Blushes & Highlighters

The previous time you obtained a Belloccio's Complete Professional Airbrush Cosmetic Makeup System with a TAN Shade Airbrush Makeup Foundation Set (5-ea.1/2 Oz Bottles)+3 Free Blushes & Highlighters, were you pleased with it and could it accomplish everything the maker promised it would accomplish or did you take it out of the package, use it once and then realise that it was a total waste of money? Sadly you will find a number of of such items available on the market that will can not meet the hype. At Belloccio we set out to entirely reengineer our edition of this particular merchandise.

Precisely what we sought was to reproduce the Belloccio's Complete Professional Airbrush Cosmetic Makeup System with a TAN Shade Airbrush Makeup Foundation Set (5-ea.1/2 Oz Bottles)+3 Free Blushes & Highlighters in such a manner that everyone that buys one will learn that it doesn't only do every thing they expect it to, in addition that it really does so much more. This is something that our competition undoubtedly hasn't ever given a lot of thought to since they appear to be happy to wallow in mediocrity. We are very proud of our products and are very sure you'll certainly be a lot more than ecstatic with the investment.

While we may have settled for producing just the right Belloccio's Complete Professional Airbrush Cosmetic Makeup System with a TAN Shade Airbrush Makeup Foundation Set (5-ea.1/2 Oz Bottles)+3 Free Blushes & Highlighters and left it simply the way it was, our staff members knew that the most crucial persons in the world, our customers, count on a lot more from us. Therefore basically we started off using an fantastic basic design, our staff members started off adding numerous great options in it that our company recognized could solely make a fine product into a excellent one. All of these features in addition to and incredibly good price allow it to be one of the better bargains you are ever likely to discover.

Belloccio's Complete Professional Airbrush Cosmetic Makeup System with a TAN Shade Airbrush Makeup Foundation Set (5-ea.1/2 Oz Bottles)+3 Free Blushes & Highlighters
List Price : $249.99

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You can achieve a fast, easy and flawless result in minutes while in the comfort and privacy of your own home! Airbrushing your makeup is the only way to achieve that perfect flawless natural look seen on hollywood celebrities and models. Complete System with Warm Foundation Set Includes: Belloccio Airbrushable Cosmetic Makeup System, Super Quiet Mini Airbrush Compressor with 3 Airflow Control Settings, 6 Foot Push on Rubber Airbrush Hose and Airbrush Holder. Operates at 12V DC with a 110V AC plug in Adapter, Professional Precision Single-Action Gravity Feed Airbrush with a 0.4mm Tip & 1/16 oz Cup. Airbrush is designed to provide an ultra fine mist of makeup, allowing you to achieve a flawless, soft natural complexion. Belloccio Tan Shade Airbrush Makeup Foundation Set: 4 - 1/2 ounce bottles of Belloccio's Tan Color Foundation Shades for Carmel Skin Tones. Colors: BF009 Honey Beige, BF010 Cappuccino, BF011 Mocha and BF012 Cocoa. 1 - 1/2 ounce bottle of Anti-Aging Moisturizing Primer for use before, during and after makeup is applied. All Belloccio Cosmetics are made in the USA. Belloccio Airbrush Cleaner (4 ounce Bottle). Belloccio's Exclusive Deluxe Carry Bag for the Airbrush Makeup System. You'll find that it's easy to get the natural "perfect look" that you desire every day with the Belloccio System! You can achieve a fast, easy and flawless result in minutes while in the comfort and privacy of your own home! Airbrushing your makeup is the only way to achieve that perfect flawless natural look seen on hollywood celebrities and models! It's also the quick and easy way to apply your makeup. The airbrush provides an ultra fine mist that gives you a soft natural complexion. Belloccio offers a professional line of Affordable, Flawless Natural Look High Definition Makeup that's perfect for a wide range of uses from daily wear and bridal makeup to high definition close-ups and more! Belloccio's airbrush foundation shades are available in 16 color shades.


  • An ideal system for those looking to get started in the world of cosmetic makeup airbrushing.
  • You'll find that it's easy to get the natural "perfect look" that you desire every day
  • Belloccio offers a professional line of Affordable, Flawless Natural Look High Definition Makeup
  • Perfect for a wide range of uses from daily wear and bridal makeup to high definition close-ups
  • It's also the quick and easy way to apply your makeup.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Professional And Residential Hair Clippers- A Closer Inspection

The simplest method to an ideal haircut is by using clippers. It offers a superior maximum control for perfect results. The clipper adjusts towards the curves from the mind, providing you with super control and excellent results each time. Eight length configurations are common and therefore are built-into the translucent comb for an array of styles and length.

BABYLISS has quiet a sampling of both home and professional hair clippers, just like ANDIS and OSTER.

For Professional Hair Clippers allows just run the gamete of these:

Wahl Predator Hair Clippers are the top range men's clippers. The Wahl Predator may be the clipper of preference one of the better professional barbers and hair stylists. Most clippers make use of a shunt motor and also the Wahl Predator clippers may be used daily and last a long time. They are utilised for cutting on the comb. However, when they ideal for experience someone else, they aren't an excellent self-cut hair clipper.

BaByliss Foreign exchange Cord/Cord-less Clipper is yet another stick out. It features a removable ceramic edge, 5 position cutting control, chrome-plated front housing and three double-on the sides comb accessories. It stays sharp, stays awesome and on top of that you can use it like a cord-less clipper.

Another source in finding the very best professional grade hair clipper would be to request your barber or hairstylist. Not simply will they provide you with a brief history of the findings around the best hair clipper, but additionally they let you know what clipper is most effective in your hair for that style you put on.

How to go beyond only a couple of Home Hair clippers:

The Andis Home Clippers Package is really a complete hair cutting package having a effective, magnetic motor hair clipper and adjustable, top quality stainless rotor blades. Delicately is incorporated.

The Oster Classis Clipper works quiet and awesome and also the effective Universal Motor has maximum energy for cutting through thick, thin, course, wet, moist or dry hair. It works quite and awesome. The package includes everything.

If utilizing an electric trimmer in your own home for a kid younger than 5, make sure to speak with the kid concerning the tool first. Show it for them, allow them to her it buzz. Also make sure that the individual while using trimmer understands how to utilize it before trying to trim children's hair.

When speaking towards the child in regards to a haircut, stay away from the term cut. Make use of the word trim. Make certain they do know that trimming your hair doesn't hurt. Attempt to finish the task in fifteen minutes or less, especially whenever using children under five years old. Kids of that age generally have short attention spans. Allow it to be quick but be cautious. Happy Clipping.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Grex AC1810-A 1/8 HP 120V Portable Piston Air Compressor by Grex Airbrush

Know That Once You've Tried out Our Most current Grex AC1810-A 1/8 HP 120V Portable Piston Air Compressor, You May Be Astonished

If you have never made use of a Grex AC1810-A 1/8 HP 120V Portable Piston Air Compressor before, there has never ever been a greater occasion as opposed to right now to treat yourself. Even if you could have used similar items before, there has not been one that is as loaded with extra features as this our most recent product. Although you may already own a product, our newest make is far superior to any that Grex Airbrush has ever produced before.

Grex AC1810-A 1/8 HP 120V Portable Piston Air Compressor

We've put in the previous few years checking out the results of multiple consumer surveys to see just what our buyers need in a Grex AC1810-A 1/8 HP 120V Portable Piston Air Compressor. Only after our design group viewed the effects of all of this collected facts did they go to work totally upgrading our merchandise. Rather than simply taking the design we're marketing and incorporating a handful of new features, we investigated carefully at what you favored about it and dropped what's left aside.

Working with that the Grex Airbrush design group started off from here and feel that what they've designed might be the most effective Grex AC1810-A 1/8 HP 120V Portable Piston Air Compressor we've constructed. Not only is our item designed to the highest possible criteria of level of quality, but thanks to the input from our consumers, we think that every one of the options we've included in this new model will certainly leave you wanting to know where this product has been your entire life. We strongly think that once you give it a try, you will see precisely why our newest product is selling as quickly as we are able to create them.

Grex AC1810-A 1/8 HP 120V Portable Piston Air Compressor
List Price : $239.80

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The Grex AC1810 is a stylish, feature-rich portable airbrush compressor ideal for the artist on the go. It’s lightweight and compact size is perfect for easy transportation and quick airbrush system setup, but it’s piston style air compression gives it the performance expected from the demanding professional.


  • Quiet operation allows allows use of the compressor in any setting
  • Integrated airbrush holder for convenient access to and storage of your airbrush
  • Oil-less piston design for low maintenance operation
  • Piston style provides high performance for the demanding professional
  • Set and lock regulator prevents settings from changing in the locked position
  • Automatic shut-off turns compressor off when not in use to save power
  • Retractable handle stows away when not needed